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 Whether your business uses QuickenQuickbooks, or the back of an envelope, we'll provide customized services that will meet your business' particular needs. We'll work with you to establish a personalized method for recording, managing, and reporting your company's income and expenses. We'll save you time and that will help you make money.

Whether your using Quicken or Quickbooks, our services are customized to meet your business' needs. Every business has its own way of managing its books.  Some want to be involved with every step; others only want to see financial statements at the end of each quarter.  We make sure that our services meet your needs.  We do it your way… as much or as little as you need.  We work closely with your CPA,  set up and maintain your QuickBooks® file so that you can make informed decisions throughout the year. And, we make your CPA's job easier come tax time. 

​​We use a variety of procedures to make sure that your books get and stay organized. Together, we'll decide which ones are right for you.

  • Enter and reconcile checking account transactions.

  • Enter and reconcile credit card transactions.

  • Accounts Payable including entering and paying bills.

  • Accounts Receivable including invoicing and collections.

  • Reconciliation of payroll with your payroll provider.

  • Monitoring IOLTA accounts for Lawyers.


Financial Reports are the key to running a profitable business.  No business can be successful if it doesn't know what it is earning and how that money is being spent.  We keep you informed every step of the way.  

  • By looking at your Profit & Loss statements, you can see exactly what your revenue is, what your expenses are and what's left for profit.  Reports can be reviewed for a single time period or to compare the present to the past, so you can make better business decisions.

  • A Balance Sheet is a snap shot of all your business' assets and liabilities, and it tells you your net worth. Successful business owners always make sure that they review and understand their Balance Sheet. 

  • To make smart business decisions you need a budget! Budgets keep you on track. We can help you build a budget for the coming year and monitor how closely you are sticking to it. When you stick to the budget you make more money.

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